segunda-feira, outubro 08, 2012

How to Add Background Music to Your Web Page

The best I prefere For Opera and all IE versions, the following code works: As you probably have noticed, IE 3.0 and above support both methods, so you cannot simply put both those tags into your web document in the hope of supporting all browsers. It will work on Netscape and early versions of IE, but the newer versions of IE will recognize both tags, leading to problems when IE tries to load the music file twice. The workaround that I've seen on some sites, that seems to work for me, is to enclose the BGSOUND tag inside NOEMBED tags, thus preventing IE from interpreting the second tag. <bgsound src="yourmusicfile.mid" loop="infinite"> This code appears to be compatible with all versions of IE, Netscape and Opera. How to Add Background Music to Your Web Page

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