terça-feira, junho 27, 2006

Microsoft Speech: How to use?

This sample use the Microsoft Speech Lib to Apply a voice to a Windows Form.
(It's possible to use to a ASP.NET file)

Sample Struture:

How to Add the Speech Lib:

VB.NET Sample:

segunda-feira, abril 17, 2006

ASP.NET "Atlas" April Community Technology Preview (CTP)

Brief Description
ASP.NET codename "Atlas" is a set of technologies to add Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML) support to ASP.NET. It consists of a client-side script framework, server controls, and more.

This new Web development technology from Microsoft integrates client script libraries with the ASP.NET 2.0 server-based development framework. In addition, 'Atlas' offers you the same type of development platform for client-based Web pages that ASP.NET offers for server-based pages. And because 'Atlas' is an extension of ASP.NET, it is fully integrated with server-based services. "Atlas" makes it possible to easily take advantage of AJAX techniques on the Web and enables you to create ASP.NET pages with a rich, responsive UI and server communication. However, 'Atlas' isn't just for ASP.NET. You can take advantage of the rich client framework to easily build client-centric Web applications that integrate with any backend data provider.

"Atlas" enables you to take full advantage of the capabilities of the browser to deliver richer web experiences that work on any modern browser

"Atlas" enables ASP.NET developers to enrich their web applications with incredible ease

"Atlas" includes a rich client-side Javascript framework that enables easy creation and reuse of script components and rich client-side behaviors.

"Atlas" makes it super easy to consume services from ASP.NET, and to build composite applications from services on the programmable web.

quinta-feira, abril 13, 2006

PRB: Convert String to Double

I detect a problem when deployed a project into Server client.

The Product Purchase Price was 2,99€ but the server was converting it into 299€.

I Change the "Regional Setting" for (,) instead of (.), but doesn't solve the problem.

To solve the problem i change all CDBL(valueStr.Replace(".", ",")) calls by:

Double.Parse(valueStr.Replace(".", ","), New System.Globalization.CultureInfo("pt-PT", False).NumberFormat)

The Double value appeares correctly. And the Parameter Value [False], force the CultureInfo to assume "pt-PT" even if user have another configuration in "Regional Settings"

Paulo Pires

sexta-feira, março 31, 2006

ATC: WebService NameSpace

Muita atenção aos NameSpaces dos vossos WebServices.

Encontrei na Web que os WebServices e as WebApps comunicam e referenciam-se pelos NameSpaces.

O URL lá existente pode não existir, mas tem que ser único.

Mas aconselha-se que se coloque o URL de destino do projecto, pois assim, garante-se que é único.

PRB: Server did not recognize the value of HTTP Header SOAPAction

Existem várias hipoteses para tentar resolver este problema.

Hipoteses porque pode acontecer ocasionalmente.

Solução 1: Verificar o NameSpace do WebService (se foi alterado)
Solução 2: Update à Webreference e Compilação do Projectos
Solução 3: Re-Compilação do WebService e Update à Webreference e Compilação do Projecto
Solução 4: Se o Webservice chama outros Webservices, verificar todos os NameSpaces dos Webservices que são chamados

quinta-feira, janeiro 19, 2006

Dynamic Web Controls, Postbacks, and View State

Dynamic Web Controls, Postbacks, and View State
By Scott Mitchell

As I've written about in two previous articles here on 4Guys - Dynamic Controls in ASP.NET and Working with Dynamically Created Controls - ASP.NET makes it easy to programmatically add Web controls. Armed with this capability, you can offer a truly customized experience for your users. For example, your site might load particular navigational elements as user controls, based upon the logged on user's preferences. Or when collecting information from your users, you might display different input fields prompting for different data based on the user's age, location, gender, and so on.

One of the main challenges with working with dynamically added controls is that these controls must be programmatically added on each postback. That is, you can't just load these controls on the first page load, and then not reload them on subsequent postbacks. Failure to explicitly add the controls on each postback will cause the controls to literally disappear on postbacks. To further complicate things, the point in the page's lifecycle when dynamic controls are added is important if you want to maintain changed values across postback. For example, imagine you had a Web page that displayed a series of input form fields based on the user visiting the page. The idea here would be to allow the visitor enter some values into these custom input form fields, and then submit the form, having the data saved. If the dynamic Web controls are not added at the correct time in the page's lifecycle, the values entered by the visitor will be lost on postback.

In this article we will examine how to add dynamic Web controls to a page in such a manner that you will not need to worry about losing form field values on postback. Specifically, we'll look at how to create a page whose form fields are dependent upon the user visiting the page, and how this user can enter their data into these form fields and have it saved on form submission. Since this article builds upon concepts discussed earlier, please make sure you have read both Dynamic Controls in ASP.NET and Working with Dynamically Created Controls before tackling this article.

Article: 4 Guys From Rolla